Good afternoon! Here is a new entry to my blog 

This time I will show you a new storyboard created for our History class. During this month we will be dealing with a new topic: The Spanish Imperialism. This is known to be a really hard topic for the students, so my mates and I have decided to create resources in order to help our students.

First of all, we have created a comic using Storyboard. This comic is a summary with the most important information regarding the topic. 

The main objectives of this comic is: 

-to know some important facts about the reigns of Charles I, Philip II and Philip IV. (BOCM)

This objective is included in the content of :

- Spain in the Modern Age. XVI and XVII centuries. The reign of the House of Austria.(BOCM)


After having shown our students this comic, one possibility is that at the end of the unit our students can make the same comic with the information they remember.

Here is the comic we have created. I think it is really easy to understand! 

Feel free to use it! I hope you like it ❤


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