Time Travel: Prehistory
Time Travel: Prehistory Good afternoon, everyone. We have started this week to study the history part of Social Sciences. History is one of the most difficult things for our students because they have to memorise a lot of dates, names, places... That is the reason why I have created a new project in which our students feel involved and motivated. I have created a radio programme. In it, they are presented with the situation that a secret button has been discovered in their school, and if they press it they will travel back in time. As this is going to be about prehistory, we will divide the class into three groups, and each group will be given one of the three periods of Prehistory. Students will have to carry out a series of activities to finally achieve the final objective, the recording of a podcast. Below you will find the guide I have prepared to be able to implement it in the classroom. I am also enclosing the first programme which is the one I...